Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hiding Gold and Silver and keeping it safe from Metal detectors

Hiding Gold and Silver and keeping it safe from Metal detectors

Thing is is that if i found a new age (within 10 year pop can, and tinfoil that looks that clear, im going to ask myself,,, what is this new stuff doing so deep? I'd dig alot deeper. My suggestion is to find junk existing and use that and not all this super clear and shinny 'junk', throw some rust nails in too! IF YOU DIG A HOLE 12000 METERS DEEP TO HIDE YOUR SILVER COIN IT WILL BE THERE WHEN YOU DIG IT UP . I  GUARANTEE IT.
Another good idea might be to bury the silver near a gas/water main / pipe this way when the govt goes door to door trying to steal your silver to fun the banks takeover they will hit your gas/water/electric main ^^ and get the shock of a lifetime.
Good luck to all in the coming years, they will probably shutdown the internet soon seeing as how too many people are talking to eachother too openly about what they are doing, GL ALL LIVE LONG and LIVE WELL as best you can in the coming collapse

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